Monday, August 30, 2010

3 Quick Tips For Weight Loss

Stop Drinking Soda.  We all know that regular soda is full of sugar, but you need to stop drinking diet soda as well.  Your body cannot be fooled and besides that, the aspartame in the soda is absolutely horrible for you.  This is one drink that should not be in your calories to lose weight diet.  You will defiantly see great fat loss just by doing this.

Go to bed a little hungry each night.  This will cause your body to use more of the fat stores when repairing your muscles.  My advice is to only eat raw vegetables after 6 PM.  And make sure that you do not eat to you are full.  Just eat enough to satisfy your hunger.

Cut 30 minutes out of watching TV and go for a walk.  Not only will you burn more calories, use this time to get in touch with nature.  Take notice of all the trees and plants.  Use this time to think about what is going good in your life and what you are grateful for.  Doing this reduces stress and helps clear your mind.  This can prevent your body from releasing too much cortisol which can lead to belly fat.

Make sure that you visit the diet for abs blog for more quick fat loss tips.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Great Abs In 7 To 14 Minutes

I got the following article from John Benson.  John really knows his stuff and a lot of the stuff on the Calories To Lose Weight blog is based upon his research and results that 1000's of people already have experienced.  I hope that you enjoy!

[ Note: This article was created by fitness and nutrition author Jon Benson. He gave me permission to share to show you this. ]


Everyone wants a tighter tummy.  Guys want a six-pack… ladies want a slim, firm waistline… and yes, some want a six-pack too.
Why be sexist? ; )

So needless to say people are freaked out to find that I train my abs in about 3 minutes.

Here’s how:

Let me give you the dirty facts about my abs.  They are the worst part of my body… and one of the best parts at the same time.  The “worst” bit has nothing to do with muscles or even bodyfat most of the time… but SKIN.

Remember, I was obese… 46-inch waist and 38 percent bodyfat.  So my skin got pretty messed up. It never quite recovered from that and I have a “bit” of loose skin around my abs.  Drives me nuts. I may have it removed! ; )  But other than THAT… my abs are pretty good.  Here’s a pretty recent shot (after a workout taken with an iPhone… so hardly a professional shot… but you get the idea… )
Jon's Abs
This is after THREE MINUTES of ab training done 2-3 times a week.

Let me spell out my thoughts on this:

If you are training your abs longer than 7 minutes a week you are doing something wrong… or you’re just wasting your time.  Sorry to break it to you, but abs develop fast.  It’s the BODYFAT you need to focus on.  Still, you need abs… and my HDT-Style Training in 7 Minute Body and 7 Minute Muscle will get you those abs uber-fast:

7 and 14-Minute workouts <—about HDT

Go watch and read how it works now.

Before you do, let me give you a substitute exercise for one of the three I recommend during my “3-Minute Abs” routine (found in both books on the page above.)  Hanging leg raises… they are the best when done the way I show you in my book.  BUT some people do not have the gym or the straps I recommend.

So do this instead: Leg raises on a Swiss Ball, bench or even off the floor.

Here’s the tip: Raise the legs, pause at the top for 2 seconds and blow ALL of your air out. Contract your abs HARD at the top.
Then and ONLY then lower the legs slowly.  If you do this right there’s no way to get more than 15 reps. I get about 8 before my abs give out!

That’s all it takes. You do NOT need “high reps” to develop your abs. In fact LOW reps work better…
You just need resistance… and my way of training gives you plenty.  This means a LOT less time doing the exercises and a LOT MORE time enjoying the nice set of tummy muscles you’ve built.  Sounds like a plan.

P.S. Here’s the latest for those interested in my ongoing legal issues with selling rights to a publisher.  This concerns YOU as the price for 7 Minute Muscle and 7 Minute Body will NOT be under my control as soon as the contracts are signed.  This was supposed to happen today… but as luck (for you!) would have it, I got caught in Austin traffic at 5:30pm and missed my 6:00 meeting with the publishers.  The president leaves town tonight-Sunday.

SO NOW… I can extend my half-price (more than half-off the Advanced Videos!) for a few more days…
… so go here:

7 and 14-Minute workouts <—discount

P.P.S. In case you’re wondering, this is not a clever marketing ploy… 7MM and 7MB are both being acquired by a publisher.
The recognize the amazing benefits this style of workouts offer anyone at any age… fatburning and muscle-shaping…
Otherwise they would not be writing such a nice check… : )  I bought a Jeep with it. So it’s not making me a millionaire or anything, but it’s nice to have my hard work rewarded!  Even nicer than that, I get the chance to almost give away my “baby” to you if you don’t have it already…

When the deal is done, here is what you can expect to happen:

1. The page below WILL change, and that includes the price… they think the price is not right. (I think that means too low… ha… ; )
2. The specials will end due to the fact they will send millions of people to the site rather than a few hundred thousand (my readers and my] affiliates send about that much.)
3. The book will end up in some bookstore eventually… and that’s FINE unless they want to alter the content… which I have a provision to prevent.

Sorry to ramble on about this, but I want you to know the integrity of the guy sending you emails every day…
Sure, I like to make a living. Who doesn’t?  But I won’t sell my soul to do it.  I won’t give up what I KNOW works to make a buck or two… so that means I maintain TOTAL creative control over these books even after the publishers take over.  In fact I’m negotiating a position WITH this firm so I can make SURE I maintain control… and folks, I HATE working for other people!
But it is worth it… IF I can keep the quality of the materials where they are.  And they are 100% solid.

And right now they are 200% cheaper than normal… so if you don’t know what all the fuss is about with all of this “7 minute workout” stuff (I prefer the 14-minute advanced workouts, which you can get too) …  then hop over here:

7 and 14-Minute workouts <—discount

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Pre-Meals One Secret To Weight Loss

Here is a technique that I used when I first started dieting.  This technique did help me lose weight but more importantly it helped me acquire a taste for vegetables and taught portion control with my meals.  The one nice thing about it is no calorie counting.  You do not even need to know your calories to lose weight.

What I did was 15 - 30 minutes before I sat down for a meal I ate one piece fruit, ½ cup of vegetables, 10 almonds and drank a glass of water.  Then when it was time for my meal, the first thing that I ate was my protein portion of the meal.  Remember you should consume high quality protein with each meal.

The reason why you wait 15 to 30 minutes before eating your meal is because it takes time for your body to tell your brain that it is full.  That is one reason you may overeat.  Another reason you may overeat is because you body is looking for certain nutrients.  And when you don’t get these nutrients your brain keeps telling you to eat.  A lot of times you will not even be hungry after eating the fruits, veggies and nuts.

By the time you get done eating the protein you are usually full and stop eating.  One last thought when eating.  Make sure that you chew each bite of food 30 times.  This does not only give your body more time to tell the brain that it is full it also helps with the digestion of the food.  You will receive more energy from the foods that you eat.  Not only that, it will allow you to concentrate on the actual food when eating.  This will actually make you food taste better.

Over time your brain will make a connection that this amount of food will satisfy your hunger.  So if you skip the pre-meal one day then when you eat your actual meal your brain will automatically tell you that you are full.   I call this my subconscious portion control.  Try it out and see for yourself.

In order for this to be effective you do need to follow this routine for 3 to 4weeks consistently.  After that you brain has made that connection.  You can continue this technique if you like but it is not necessary.  You just trained you mind to eat in a completely different way.

If your interested in other dieting tips make sure you check out the Diet For Abs blog.

Friday, August 27, 2010

A Mourning Routine Can Help You Lose Weight And Better Your Life

So after my cheat day I feel a little sluggish.  Don’t get me wrong I had a good time while I was there and enjoyed all the food.  It was just a long day, too much junk food and too many beers.  All afternoon at the baseball game and then watching the Packers run all over the Colts.  So today will be a day that I get back on track.  This post is not really about “Calories to Lose Weight”, but it is something that really helped me.

A few months I had a real hard time getting up in the morning.  My bed just felt way too comfortable.  I also have been doing martial arts for a while now.  So what does this have in common?  Doing some research on the best stretching methods, the best way to obtain what the book called “instant flexibility” is to do dynamic stretching in the morning.  My problem was this getting up early enough to do this.

So what I started doing one day was as soon as the alarm went off I jumped right out of bed and got dressed the instant I got up.   I laid out clothes out the night before.  I then throw some cold water on my face and use a certain breathing technique to make me more alert.  After about 2 or 3 minutes I start feeling more energized and start doing my dynamic stretching.

I originally started doing this to be more flexible but in the process I found that it much more than that for me.  I felt more energetic and focused throughout the day.  I also noticed that after a couple of weeks I started lose some more weight. 

Another huge benefit I noticed was it gave me time to plan my day.  After I did 10 minutes of dynamic stretching I did another ten minutes of static stretching.  During this time I thought about my day and what I wanted to accomplish.  I pictured completing each task being done.  I also pictured my actual workout later in the day saw how hard I was working out.  I saw the meals that I was going to eat and imaged how much I enjoyed it and how thankful I was for all the energy that the meal provided for me. 

After doing this for a few weeks I found that I was getting more done.  I was more efficient.  I was exercises harder through my workouts and was less sore the following day.  It also seemed like I had more free time.  Who would have thought by getting up 30 minutes early and doing this routine would do so much.  It helped in every area of my life.  I urge that you come up with your own morning routine.  I also recommend an evening routine as well.  This can do wonders for anything in your life you want to improve.

One more diet tip before I leave.  Make sure that you consume some type of protein after you complete the workout.  The usually recommendation for the majority of people is 20 grams of protein.   This will also help you control your hunger throughout the day.

Thanks for reading

David Renier.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Calories And Cheat Days

As part of this blog I am going to be recording some of my meals, workouts and diet plans.  I know that this sounds bad, seeing this is the first day that I am posting on the blog, but I am going to be honest.  Today is going to be a cheat day.  I believe that when figuring out your calories to lose weight, you need to include a cheat day or meal at least once a week.
It’s my companies annual baseball outing.  So I am probably going to have at least 1 cheeseburger with onions, mayo and mustard, one brat, and probably 6 beers.  I know that this is not the healthiest meal but hey it’s a cheat day.  But I will still be OK overall if you average all my calories.
I guess the important thing that I really cheat like this rarely.  I actually have different types of cheat days.  Some are just one meal and others, like holidays, I eat whatever I want.  The amazing thing is that even I those cheat days I do not eat as much as I used to.  It all has to do with the times and quantity that I am accustomed to eating now.   I will explain more about this tomorrow.
In short I wanted to tell you that it is OK to cheat on your diet once in a while.  In fact I believe that it is almost necessary to do so.  Your body does not like change.  If you consume too little calories for too long your body will actually slow your metabolism to maintain its weight.  Again, more on this tomorrow.  If you can’t wait then you may want to take a look at the Diet For Abs blog.  There is a lot of good info here.

See you tomorrow

Calories To Lose Weight

When starting a diet you need a starting point.  Fat or weight loss basically boils down to consuming fewer calories than you expend.  So the question becomes what that’s magic number.   How do I find out the calories to lose weight for me?
One easy method is using the Basel Metabolic rate.  This is the amount of calories that expend if you did nothing but lie in bed all day.  Obviously, you do more than lie in bed all day.  That is why you multiply this number by an activity multiplier.  Now you should have a somewhat accurate number of the amount of calories you expend in one day.
So here is the formula:
Body Fat for Men
Lean Body Mass = (Weight * 94.42) – (Waist * 4.15)
Body Fat Weight = Weight – Lean Body Mass
Body Fat = (Body Fat Weight * 100) / Weight

Body Fat for Women
Factor 1 = (Total body weight x 0.732) + 8.987
Factor 2 = Wrist measurement (at fullest point) / 3.140
Factor 3 = Waist measurement (at naval) x 0.157
Factor 4 = Hip measurement (at fullest point) x 0.249
Factor 5 = Forearm measurement (at fullest point) x 0.434
Lean Body Mass = Factor 1 + Factor 2 – Factor 3 – Factor 4 + Factor 5

Body Fat Weight = Total bodyweight – Lean Body Mass
Body Fat Percentage = (Body Fat Weight x 100) / total bodyweight

To Figure out your BMR we need our lean body mass in kg
Lean Body Mass in kg = LeanBodyMass / 2.2
BMR = 370 + (21.6 * Lean Body Mass in kg)

Finally we need to multiply this number by our activity
Sedentary = BMR * 1.2
Light Activity = BMR * 1.375
Moderately Activity = BMR * 1.55
Very Active = BMR * 1.725
Extremely Active = BMR * 1.9

Now that you have this number all you need to do is on average consume less than this.  To give you an idea of how many calories to cut, there is 3500 calories in a pound of fat.  That is why a lot people follow the idea of cutting 500 calories from this number a day.  Then they exercise to expend another 500 calories.  This will lead to 7000 less calories a week for a 2 lb per week weight loss.
Well I hope that you enjoyed this first post.  I know that this may sound like work at first but in future post I will tell you how to make this process easier and in ways you do not have to count calories.
Talk to you soon.

PS - If you like abs exercises I just found some great ones.  Check out this lower abs exercise site.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Calories To Lose Weight Info

David Renier

I am a fitness fanatic. Always looking for the best information out there. Whether it be nutrition, exercise or motivation.I am always looking for something that will give me the edge. You may also want to check out my other blog at Calories To Lose Weight. I try to keep all my blogs update but there is a lot on archived info on that blog.

I am really excited about creating this blog.  I hoping that the information you find will really help you in your fitness goals. I am also hoping that I will learn from all of you as well, so make sure that you leave a comment.  I am really hoping that this is a one stop shop for all your fitness, nutrition and motivational questions.

Thanks For Visisting!
David Renier